30 research outputs found

    Perceptions of Electoral Fairness and Voter Turnout

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    Previous research has established a link between turnout and the extent to which voters are faced with a “meaningful” partisan choice in elections; this study extends the logic of this argument to perceptions of the “meaningfulness” of electoral conduct. It hypothesizes that perceptions of electoral integrity are positively related to turnout. The empirical analysis to test this hypothesis is based on aggregate-level data from 31 countries, combined with survey results from Module 1 of the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems survey project, which includes new and established democracies. Multilevel modeling is employed to control for a variety of individual- and election-level variables that have been found in previous research to influence turnout. The results of the analysis show that perceptions of electoral integrity are indeed positively associated with propensity to vote. </jats:p

    Replication data for: Inequality and Insurgency

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    Middle East

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    Bases da legitimidade democrática no Brasil: adesão a valores e avaliação de desempenho

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    Estudos recentes sobre legitimidade democrática têm seguido uma perspectiva idealista que enfatiza a adesão dos cidadãos a valores fundamentais desta forma de governo. Alguns autores, entretanto, têm indicado que essa abordagem pode não ser adequada para a análise sobre países sem longa tradição democrática, propondo como alternativa um modelo realista que enfatiza como variável independente a avaliação de desempenho institucional. O presente artigo pretende contribuir para esse debate testando esse modelo alternativo para o caso brasileiro, utilizando dados produzidos pelo projeto World Values Surveys. Os resultados indicam que variáveis relacionadas a avaliações objetivas acerca do desempenho das instituições e das lideranças políticas têm um impacto maior sobre os níveis de legitimidade, em comparação com as variáveis referentes à adesão a valores.<br>Recent studies about democratic legitimacy have been proceeding an idealistic perspective that emphasizes the adhesion of the citizens to value fundamental this government way. Some authors, however, have been indicating that approach cannot be adapted for the analysis of countries without long democratic tradition, proposing as alternative a realistic model that emphasizes as independent variable the evaluation of institutional performance. The article intends to contribute for that debate testing that alternative model for the Brazilian case, using data produced by the project World Values Surveys. The results indicate that varied related to objective evaluations concerning the performance of the institutions and of the political leaderships have a larger impact on the legitimacy levels, in comparison with the referring variables to the adhesion to value